5 Mold Removal Facts That You Should Know
Mold is a common issue in homes throughout the world, but not everyone knows the lengths a household must go to safely remove it. Here are five mold removal facts that you should know before addressing mold in your home.
Mold Hides Where You Can’t See It
The first thing to know about mold removal is that taking mold off the surface on which it’s visible isn’t always the end of the story. The bathroom is just one place in the home that mold loves to grow, as it’s a particularly damp, warm space. Removing the mold you notice in bathroom tile grout is step one, but did you know mold can grow under those tiles too? When removing mold, it’s crucial to understand the entire situation before making a plan to address it.
Improper Removal Puts Mold Spores in the Air
Removing mold is something many people opt to do at home, as several DIY techniques make killing mold easy. However, before you start scrubbing, know that aggravating the area releases more mold spores into the air. To prevent mold from entering the ducts and remaining in your home’s air during cleaning, technicians isolate the mold and seal the area before beginning removal.
Insurance Sometimes Covers Mold Removal Costs
Some homeowner’s insurance plans help families with the cost of mold removal. That said, it’s essential to be aware of your plan’s specific requirements. Unexpected scenarios that lead to mold growth, such as broken dishwashers or water heaters, are often covered. Flood insurance is also likely to help pay for mold removal services.
Not Removing Mold Can Get Costly
Mold is a living organism, and like any other living thing, it continues to eat and grow if left unchecked. When your home’s mold issue is given time to get worse, the eventual removal is more time-consuming and costly.
Mold Removal Is Not the Same as Remediation
One of the most important mold removal facts that you should know is that mold removal and mold remediation are two entirely different services. Whereas mold removal simply removes and destroys the mold, the remediation process goes above and beyond to ensure it doesn’t grow back. This process includes identifying the source of the mold, properly sealing the area before removal, and working to develop prevention plans for your household.
Our team of trained technicians at Mold Only is here to help. We offer remediation services and mold testing to South Florida residents and work hard to ensure that our neighbors get an honest answer about mold in their homes. If you’ve spotted mold growth in your home, contact us for an appointment today.