Steps to Control Mold Growth After Flooding

Once a flood affects your home, keeping your family and belongings safe becomes the top priority. It’s important to know that the damage caused by water can go beyond the initial flooding. The damp, humid environment in the home following a flood can create the ideal growth environment for mold. Here are four steps to control mold growth after flooding in your home.

Get Everything as Dry as Possible

The first step after a flood is to get as much of the water out of your home as possible. After any pumps or drainage have removed most of the water from the home, it’s vital to remove any waterlogged items from the space and make an effort to get water or condensation out of every nook and cranny you can find.

Fabrics, plastic, and wood are all of equal concern after a flood, as the dirty water may have left behind food for mold on items you wouldn’t expect it to. Anything on the walls of the flooded area needs to be pulled away so that the space behind and underneath can dry as well.

Allow for Ventilation

Ventilation is important after you’ve dried objects, as continued humidity can undo the effort you’ve put in. If the air outside is dry, opening windows can help, but a dehumidifier can help as well. By keeping the air dry, you can help discourage mold from appearing.

Regularly Check Walls, Floors, and Items

One of the most important steps to control mold growth after flooding is to check the room frequently. Mold will not appear right away, but by regularly inspecting affected items, looking at the walls and floors of the affected rooms, and even noting any changes in the smell of the air, you can catch mold before it gets worse.

Keep an Eye Outside

Another way to limit mold growth is to keep an eye on the outside of your home. Even after you remove water from inside your home, any sitting water around the home’s perimeter can leak into the ground and dampen the foundation or basement again. Look to the edge of your home, ensure the downspout of the gutter isn’t blocked, and act on any water build-up you see.

If you live in southern Florida, you know that your city can see nearly double the amount of rain as the rest of the US. Heavy downpours and extreme weather can, unfortunately, cause your property to flood, and any humidity creates the ideal environment for mold growth. When you see signs of mold growth in your home, reach out to our team of licensed professionals at Mold Only. We gladly provide testing and mold remediation in Boca Raton so that you and your family can get back to enjoying coastal living!

We guarantee our work at the best price. Call today for a free estimate.

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