Common and Surprising Places to Find Mold in Your Home

Is that what you think it is? Possibly. While you’ve probably learned the hard way to recognize mold on the sandwiches you find in the back of your refrigerator, household molds aren’t always as obvious. But if you don’t keep your eyes open, you might find that a nasty problem has been growing under your nose. If you’re suspicious, check these common (and surprising) places to find mold in your home.


Any flooring exposed to high humidity and damp conditions could be hosting one of the many species of mold. If your carpet is dark, you might not even notice unless you look closely. When carpeting soaks up moisture from a leak, mold finds a yummy feast of dust, skin flakes, and dirt. After a flood, you’ll most likely have to install new carpet.

Air Conditioning System

If you think you’re saving money by not running your air conditioner, think again. When it’s hot and humid outside, an idle system can trap dust and pollen in the ducts. Combined with moist air, mold can thrive and spread throughout your home. To prevent this, turn on your air conditioning for at least a little while each day when you feel hot humidity.


Not many of us make a habit of peering up chimneys. At worst, we might find a decaying animal. At best, we might startle an elf. But water, dirt, and more can gather in the crevices of bricks, inviting mold to the party. If your roof, flashing, or chimney cap is in bad shape, take a look after rain and snowstorms.

Water Heaters

Heaters and boilers have drains to dispose of excess water, but they’re not immune to clogs. Rust, in particular, can build up and prevent moisture from escaping the areas around the unit, including the walls and floors. Since you can probably count on damp air in that room anyway, a dehumidifier can improve the situation.


As windows warp with years of use and rough weather, they become less effective at warding off mold. After rain, condensation can mingle with dirt, dust, and other organic materials—the equivalent of a happy hour buffet for mold. Look at the bottom of your window sashes and sills for uninvited colonies.

There are countless common (and surprising) places to find mold in your home, from behind the refrigerator to between your toothbrush bristles. At Mold Only, we’re licensed professionals who specialize in mold remediation in Boca Raton and other parts of Florida. When you have a problem, we can come to your rescue without overcharging you. We always operate efficiently and honestly to make your home safe.

We guarantee our work at the best price. Call today for a free estimate.

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